worldwide secular meetings
Secular Hole In The Sky meetings updated: Mondays through Thursdays at 6PM ET at Zoom ID 414 948 190 No passcode required.
San Clemente Freethinkers has a new Zoom ID: Tuesdays 9PM ET at Zoom ID 869 3749 9911 Passcode want2help.
Al-Anon Open Minds has updated Zoom information: Thursdays 1PM ET at Zoom ID 849 9915 7686 Please email for the passcode.
Recovery Dharma Disco Dharma meeting has new Zoom information: Saturdays 11:55PM ET at Zoom ID 816 7740 6839 Passcode disco.
As You Wish based out of Paris will now run on an ad hoc basis: Fridays at 3PM ET at Zoom ID 816 9900 7324 Passcode Secular.
New Meetings:
Secular Happy Hour Gratitude Meeting: Fridays 7:30PM ET at Zoom ID 772 431 7308 No passcode required.
Sober First Cup: Tuesdays 6:30AM ET at Zoom ID 863 3373 6661 Passcode coffee.
Nuts and Bolts of Recovery (discussion meeting for all Fellowships): Tuesdays 7PM ET at Zoom ID 864 1478 2410 Passcode nuts.
Additional Any Faith or None Al-Anon meeting added: Mondays 1PM ET at Zoom ID 881 7241 5706 Passcode secular.
Recovery Dharma: Dharma Village Inquiry Circle Meeting: Thursdays 7PM ET at Zoom ID 885 1261 9907 Passcode 342445.
AA Rainbow Serenity Open LGBTQ+ Discussion: Sundays 1AM ET at Zoom ID 893 1564 4439 Passcode 358056.